Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Posters examples/research

This trio I really like how simple and subtle some of them are and how they relate to what they are showing, Dirty Harry (using his gun to make an image of his face) Similarly with the Robocop Image using his gun as his eyes which blends it together but also adds another way to see it.
These seem to created in a way to mimic the 50s era film posters and animations such as  those done by Saul Bass where he uses predominantly paper cut outs to make images which will then be used to make title sequences for such films as Psycho and The man with the goldern arm. 

A Saul Bass video for a film opening sequence 'Anatomy of a murder'.
A film adaptation of The Spirit by Frank Miller who I looked at some of his work in my journal uses colour interestingly and in small doses for great effect. The text on this poster is something similar to what I want to use it has a comic book vibe and also having the text contrast against the background is a great way of making it stand out.
An example of the light effects and glare that I want to implement into my work.
Duo of work by Frank Miller small usage of colour which is interesting and appealingly distinctive.
I was given one of Frank millers sin city books and looked at the way he used negative colour such as to show shadows he would often use white as the background is black therefore making it look strange but however it works and makes it look as if part of it is in negative colouration.

This is my interpretation of Frank Millers style as seen in Sin City only using black and white, and small fractions of other colour but so that they are used sparingly or just by them self, yellow as shown in my image. 

The text in this image I find is used and presented well gives it a look of making just text interesting and the colour changes with the size of the words which goes together well.
A Saul Bass image which was for an Alfred Hitchcock film Vertigo.
A very good example of colour use it contrasts and creates a focus in the centre.

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